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International Collaboration for Hydrogen Development: Paving the Way to a Cleaner Energy Future

13 March 2024, 10:00 am

In the quest for a sustainable and cleaner energy future, hydrogen has emerged as a promising solution with the potential to revolutionize various industries. To accelerate the development and deployment of hydrogen technologies, countries around the world have come together (rightly so) in a remarkable display of international collaboration. In this blog, we will explore the global efforts and collaborations aimed at advancing hydrogen technologies, share expertise, and address common challenges. We will also draw parallels between green hydrogen development and nuclear fusion using hydrogen isotopes, emphasising the crucial role of cross-border cooperation in achieving our energy goals.

Green Hydrogen: A Global Imperative

Green hydrogen, produced by electrolysing water using renewable energy sources, holds immense promise as a clean and versatile energy carrier. Its applications range from fueling vehicles and industrial processes to serving as an energy storage solution. However, harnessing the full potential of green hydrogen requires concerted international efforts. Here are some notable global collaborations in the field of green hydrogen:

International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy (IPHE): This international initiative brings together 22 member countries to advance the development and deployment of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. IPHE fosters collaboration on research, policy development, and market analysis to promote the global hydrogen economy. Member nations include the UK and India, amongst others.

Mission Innovation: A coalition of 24 countries, including the European Union, the United States, and Japan, committed to doubling their investments in clean energy research and innovation. Within Mission Innovation, the Hydrogen Innovation Challenge focuses on advancing hydrogen technologies, including green hydrogen production and utilization.

Naturally, when we talk about a potential source of clean energy generation and storage mechanism such as hydrogen, which shows immense potential, but also presents risks like none other, or let's say one other, we must pause for a bit and talk about nuclear fusion. Surprisingly, nuclear fusion also uses hydrogen, in the form of isotopes deuterium and tritium!

The similarities, including hydrogen as source, technical complexities and risks, commercial risk and opportunities, and above all the promise of clean energy for all of us make this truly remarkable!

Nuclear Fusion and Hydrogen Isotopes:

Parallel to green hydrogen development, nuclear fusion using hydrogen isotopes presents another avenue for clean energy generation. Fusion reactors aim to replicate the energy-producing process of the sun by fusing hydrogen isotopes (deuterium and tritium) at extremely high temperatures. This process releases vast amounts of energy while producing minimal radioactive waste. Key international initiatives in nuclear fusion research include:

International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER): ITER is one of the most significant international collaborations in nuclear fusion research. Located in France, ITER involves 35 countries working together to demonstrate the feasibility of fusion as a large-scale and carbon-free energy source.

DEMO and Beyond: Beyond ITER, international cooperation continues with the development of DEMO (Demonstration Power Plant), which aims to demonstrate the commercial viability of fusion energy. Numerous countries are actively engaged in fusion research.

Why International Collaboration Matters:

Technological and Commercial Challenges and Risks: The sheer technological and commercial challenges, and risks mean that no single nation or entity can go about this on its own. It will require the collective intelligence, financial clout, and a united intent from a lot of nations to mitigate the risks and overcome the challenges.

Resource Sharing: Collaboration allows countries to pool resources, share research findings, and collectively tackle technical and financial challenges associated with hydrogen similar to what is going on in the world of nuclear fusion.

Knowledge Exchange: Cross-border collaboration facilitates the exchange of expertise and best practices, accelerating technological advancements and reducing duplication of efforts.

Policy Alignment: International partnerships enable the alignment of policies, regulations, and standards, creating a conducive environment for the development and adoption of hydrogen, similar to fusion.

Global Impact: Green hydrogen similar to nuclear fusion has the potential to address global energy challenges, reduce carbon emissions, and mitigate climate change. International cooperation is essential to maximise this impact.


The journey towards a cleaner and sustainable energy future is marked by international collaboration in the development of green hydrogen and nuclear fusion technologies. These endeavours transcend borders, harnessing the collective wisdom and resources of nations to unlock the full potential of hydrogen and fusion as clean energy sources. As we work together to overcome technical challenges and scale up these innovations, we inch closer to a world powered by abundant, clean, and carbon-neutral energy, demonstrating the power of global cooperation in shaping a brighter future for all.

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