Issues related to fluid flow are a common occurrence across various sectors of engineering. These range from simple laminar flow (in pipes) to complex multi-phase phenomena with turbulence, chemical reactions, rotating machinery and conjugate heat transfer. Our Computational Fluid Dynamics capabilities help make sense of the complexities of flow across diverse sectors and applications. We also combine our fluid and structural mechanics expertise, providing integrated solutions(unidirectional and bidirectional Fluid Structure Interaction) where required.
Just like FEA, setting up CFD models and performing analyses have their own challenges and are specialist processes. We use industry standard tools such as Ansys and Autodesk CFD.
Our capabilities include various situations, sectors and applications such as compressible and incompressible flows, characterisation of valves, rotating machinery (compressors, pumps, turbines), renewable energy, wind behaviour in urban environment, human comfort, thermal modelling and cooling, dispersion of particles, cavitation, multiphase flows and phase change, electronics cooling and layout, reactors, mixing vessels, plant efficiency, energy consumption, upstream and downstream oil and gas applications and cavitation to name a few.
We endeavour to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days. We are happy to answer your questions.