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Story Of A Product

16 August 2021, 10:30 am

Today we are telling you a story. The story of a typical product, but more like a short film, as opposed to a full-blown blockbuster.

It starts with an idea and specifications, which get converted into a 3D design, see image below. Th3 3D design or CAD modelling was done using Autodesk Inventor.

3D CAD Model of a reducer

Now, this initial design needs to go through some basic sense checks in the form of appropriate analyses for integrity, material, performance etc. Once such analysis is fluid flow behaviour. We did what is called a Computational Fluid Dynamics or CFD analysis to determine pressure drops and velocities within the entire flow path, not just in this part. In this case it is important because this device is a reducer. See image below for fluid flow patterns.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

The next step is not really necessary for engineering/functionality, but design is as much about looks as it is about performance (style + substance), even for a simple domestic reducer. Image below is a 3D render, albeit a basic one. A rendering is used to generate realistic visuals of the product. Mainly for marketing, brochures, case studies and Instagram.

3D Rendering of a reducer

What good is a design, if you cannot make it? Image below is the 3D printed final product. The print was done using an Ultimaker 2+. The material used is PLA with 100% infill.

3D Printed Additive Manufacturing part

And, now, the product in its installed and functioning setting, also known as in-situ. See image below.

Manufactured part installed

So, there it is, idea to deployment, the story of this reducer. Designed and manufactured by us, for a domestic installation.

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